Our Unique Take on Speed Dating – ACCELER-Dating

Globally renowned as the day of love, the SA Oil team joined the Valentine’s Day festivities this year with our own take on speed dating – all to demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of team building and internal marketing. Read more about it…

SA Oil celebrates Valentine's Day with a unique take on speed dating

Coffee, Cupcakes and Critical Questions…

The inspiration for the concept of a company ‘speed dating’ event was our own racing fuel, ACCELERATE Special Gasoline. We called it ‘ACCELER-dating’ and it presented our team with an opportunity to have a brief time out from work and find out what drives our co-workers. Being a diverse team meant we needed to find common ground. Armed with ten questions to use as ice breakers, each member of our team spent two minutes with one another, asking these critical questions:

  • If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?
  • If you could choose one hobby, where financial constraint wasn’t a concern, what hobby would you pick and why?
  • If your life were a movie, which actor/actress would play you?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • What’s your favourite childhood memory?
  • What would be your superpower and why?
  • Could you live without technology for a month?
  • When you were a child, what did you hope to be when you grew up?
  • You have an unlimited supply of something for the rest of your life – what is it?
  • If you could live in any country, which would it be and why?
SA Oil board room during ACCELER-dating
Our boardroom, prepped and ready for ACCELER-Dating!

The Reward was Worth the Work!

Despite the understandably nervous start, it wasn’t long before each member of the team had taken the ice breaker questions to heart, delving into the why’s and how’s behind their answers, engaging fully with their colleagues. This simple teambuilding activity provided us with the opportunity to chat more about what makes us tick, as well as what fuels our team mates. After all that hard work, a reward was in order – Valentine’s Day cupcakes, featuring a lovely twist on the SA Oil logo – a superb bonus to complete a successful team building experience!   

SA Oil red velvet cupcakes for ACCELER-dating
Delicious red velvet cupcakes!

The Benefits of Internal Marketing

Internal company events like our ACCELER-dating highlights the importance and benefits of internal marketing. Marketing shouldn’t just be aimed at customers and potential clients – employees should be seen as ‘internal customers’ who need to be convinced of a company’s vision just as intently as external customers. Your employees are spokespeople for your brand and business, so you need to be sure they’re all saying the same thing about your company! Apart from this, team building events that work as internal marketing are to your and your employees’ mutual advantage:

  • Builds morale, enthusiasm and camaraderie
  • Leads to a greater sense of ‘team’
  • Assists with employee satisfaction and retention
  • Better engagement with staff
  • Boosts confidence, company culture and communication
  • Builds internal relationships
  • Builds confidence in the brand and in the company

Creating Better #WorkEnergy through Internal Marketing

Effective internal marketing and teambuilding activities like ‘ACCELER-dating’ allow us to gel as a team, which is why we’re scheduling these sessions regularly. Got special skills, experience in the petroleum industry and fancy being a part of a team that loves what they do? Send us your CV