Rare earth elements are crucial to modern technology and are one of the most important components in the manufacturing of many products. Their significance has made them political weapons in the Trade War, too. But …
Fuel is crucial to powering the world around us. Various types of fuel are used every day, from heating and cooking to powering huge machinery. Some fuels are better for certain applications – like heavy …
The US Geological Society has classified Africa as holding immense mineral reserves, including diamonds, platinum and gold – the mining of which contributes hugely to GDP and tax revenue of African countries. But now mines …
A reprieve from the US-China Trade War may see cooled tensions and a start to global economic stability, but the truce may be too little, too late. Find out how the year-long trade struggle impacted …
Much like the Mining Charter of 2017, Mineral Resources Minister Gwede Mantashe’s revised 2018 Charter III aimed to remodel the mining industry in line with B-BBEE principles. It has had major implications for the industry …
Hydrocarbon fuels are used to create and power almost everything we use – from our reading glasses to powering entire buildings, these fuels are at the source! However, attempts are being made to move away …